Modal Logic

From Wiki Notes @, by Jiewen Wu
Revision as of 13:31, 5 November 2009 by Admin (talk | contribs) (Syntax)

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The basic modal logic is defined using a set of propositional letters <math>\,\Phi</math>, and a unary operator <math>\,\Box</math>. A well-formed formula is then given by the rule

<math>\phi := p\mid\perp\mid\neg\phi\mid\phi\wedge\phi\mid\Box\phi</math> ,

where p ranges over elements of <math>\,\Phi</math>. A dual operator of <math>\,\Box</math> is <math>\,\Diamond</math>: <math>\,\Diamond\phi\equiv\neg\Box\neg\phi</math>.

The basic temporal language is an extension to the basic modal logic. It is defined using a set of unary operators F and P. F<math>\,\phi</math> is interpreted as <math>\,\phi</math> will be true at some future time, while p<math>\,\phi</math> means <math>\,\phi</math> was true at some past time.
